Using the Semantic Search Engine
Search by meaning, not just keywords.'s search engine is a core feature of the app. Using cutting-edge semantic search technology, it helps you find the legal references more accurately and faster than alternative tools.
What is Semantic Search?
Semantic search denotes search with meaning, as distinguished from lexical search where the search engine looks for literal matches of the query words or variants of them, without understanding the overall meaning of the query. [Wikipedia]
The best way to experience this is to try it out!
Example searches
To follow along: login to your account and click on the links below to trigger the same search
1. Search by G.R. no. or case titles
You can search by G.R. nos. or the title of the law or jurisprudence you're looking for. Let's use the Grace Poe v Comelec case, G.R. no. 221687 as an example:
Search "221697":
Search "grace poe vs comelec":
2. Search by keywords and phrases
You can search by legal keywords and phrases. Let's use Res judicata as an example:
Search "res judicata":
3. Search by case descriptions and outcomes
Your search can be more complex because of the semantic search engine. You could simply describe what you're looking for, even case outcomes. Let's use this long description as an example:
Searching "cases wherein the supreme court granted backwages to a security guard who was illegally dismissed":
Search result tabs and sorting
After searching, you'll see search results and ways to filter and sort through them:
You may switch between Laws and Jurisprudence results
You may sort by Relevance or Date
Last updated